Monday, June 12, 2017


I have now been in the Tokyo airport three times in three weeks! Returned again last night to visit Drs. Masahide Sasaki and Masahiro Takeoka and their colleagues at the Quantum ICT Advanced Development Center, at the Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). My two LSU PhD students, Haoyu Qi and Zhihao Xiao, are already here about mid-way through their eight-week summer research collaboration. It was good to catch up on old work and new work and today we began hammering out the research plan for the next two weeks I am here. QICT has a very close integration with theory and experiment and I'm looking forward to learning a lot and expanding our current collaboration which is now formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding. 

Come to LSU to do your PhD in our Quantum Science and Technologies group and can get to spend your summer in Shanghai, Tokyo, or Los Angeles near the beach!

Discussions today ranged over entanglement assisted channel capacities using two-mode squeezed vacuum, as well as tomography on superconducting qubits coupled to an LC circuit. 

After a 12 hour flight I relax with sushi, wine, and Japanese soap operas.

Colonel Sanders always greets me on my trips here.

Dr. Yoshiaki Tsujimoto explains the downconversion experiment.

Debate rages over the potential applications.

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